EqSpike: Spike-driven equilibrium propagation for neuromorphic implementations



•EqSpike is a spiking neural network version of equilibrium propagation•It achieves 97.6% test accuracy on MNIST with fully connected architecture•Its two-factor local learning rule compatible neuromorphic hardware•Its weight updates exhibit form spike-timing-dependent plasticity Finding spike-based algorithms that can be implemented within the constraints systems, while achieving high accuracy, remains formidable challenge. Equilibrium propagation promising alternative to backpropagation as it only involves computations, but hardware-oriented studies have so far focused rate-based networks. In this work, we develop algorithm called EqSpike, which learns by propagation. 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Table results closest our implementation, continual Eq-Prop trained batch size one.Table 1Comparison C-EP, initialization procedureAlgorithmBPTT784-100-10Continual Eq-Prop784-100-10EqSpike 100784-100-10EqSpike 300784-300-10MNISTTest: 97.11% ± 0.23%Train: 99.06% 0.15%Test: 96.97% 0.12%Train: 99.8% 0.04%Test: 96.87% 0.18%Train: 98.59% 0.03%Test: 97.59% 0.1%Train: 98.91% 0.03%Batch = 1, 6 runs. Open table new tab Batch matches closely descent architecture, margin. With 300 EqSpikes 97.59%. Fully without conversion non-spiking typically achieve 96–98% range O’Connor Welling, 2016O’Connor Welling Deep networks.arXiv. (arXiv:1602.08323)Google 2016Lee J.H. Delbruck Pfeiffer 508Crossref (335) Mostafa, 2018Mostafa Supervised temporal coding Networks Learn. 29: 3227-3235PubMed Tavanaei Maida, 2019Tavanaei Maida BP-STDP: approximating plasticity.Neurocomputing. 330: 39-47Crossref (41) comparable latest investigated platforms. chosen benchmark community interested online, due long times. As equivalent baseline potential, like adapt perform good more advantage being technologies. algorithm, applications quantify spikes needed accuracy. Operation fewer desirable, reduces both execution 3 shows (t×fmax). orange line mean result whole set, (as done averaging window Taverage 100 steps (Taverage=50/fmax) considering highest encodes output. method computes accurately expense having wait letting multiple Spiking offer possibility accelerate computation determining class spike. blue averaged images red, vertical dotted indicates

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عنوان ژورنال: iScience

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['2589-0042']

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2021.102222